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More than 200 years ago, in the 18th century, or more precisely in the year 1786, a certain Turin merchant, Antonio Benedetto Carpano, came up with the idea of creating a fortified (alcoholic strength ranges from 12 to even 20% ABV) dessert wine seasoned with wormwood. In this way, in Piedmont in northern Italy, an unusual drink was born, initially regarded as a medicinal product, later called vermouth (from the German word for wormwood).

Traditional vermouths, in addition to being Piedmontese, must also consist of at least 75% wine. In addition to wine, vermouth also includes must (wine distillate), sugar (or caramel) and herbs and spices (apart from the obvious wormwood, they can include sage, coriander, nutmeg, cloves, etc.).

Vermouths are made of all wine colors - both white, pink and red. And because of the color, that's how we divide them. In addition, in terms of the amount of sugar, vermouths are divided into: bitter (amaro), dry (secco, extra dry) and sweet (dolce).

Most often depending on the place of origin, vermouths can also have different styles, e.g. Turin (the most classic, it concerns red vermouth), chinato (with the addition of quinine and bitterness - this group includes the so-called Quinquina and Americano), Western dry (American dry), or Spanish.

Apart from Italy and France, where this drink is considered to be of the best quality, vermouths are also produced in the aforementioned Spain and the United States, as well as in Croatia, Australia, Bulgaria, and even in Great Britain. In our portfolio you will find over a dozen excellent vermouths from highly valued ones, and those who come from manufacturers which are well known for over decades. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our rich offer!

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