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Choya Yoshu Yozo CO., LTD. is an exceptional producer, worth devoting a separate category to him.

The company was founded by Sumitaro Kondo in the year 1924. Initially, it focused on the production and sale of grape wine. Brandy was added to the company's portfolio in the year 1949, fruit wine was added two years later, and ume fruit liqueurs in the year 1959. In the year 1968, the production and sale of herbal liqueurs began (the export of ume-based liqueurs started in the same year), and in the year 1973 - medicinal liqueurs. Additionally, Choya produces sake and ume-based soft drinks.

What distinguishes Choya from other producers is (apart from the obvious exotic notes) the production of alcohols based on the aforementioned ume. These are both sweet (or dry) wines and liqueurs. The ume itself, often mistaken for a plum, is nothing more than a species of Japanese apricot, used for centuries in the countries of Far East Asia. In addition to the culinary art (consumed as umeboshi - dried and salt-marinated fruits colored red with shiso leaves), ume has always been used in traditional medicine (as an anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory, and supporting the body in heart diseases). Ume (umeboshi) is often served as an appetizer to traditional Japanese shochu vodka.

In our portfolio you will find a majority of alcoholic beverages produced by Choya - wines, liqueurs, brandy and sake. We invite you to check out our offer!

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