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Absinthe is a special type of flavored vodka. It is obtained by extracting the flowers and leaves of wormwood (Artemisia absinthium - hence the name "absinthe"), as well as anise, fennel and other aromatic herbs. It is commonly called the "Green Fairy" because of the most common, characteristic green color (obtained naturally with chlorophyll or artificially - with the help of a dye) and psychoactive properties related directly to the content of thujone (an organic chemical compound contained in the essential oils of wormwood). However, there are absinthes of different colors (e.g. red, black), which have their hue made by other plants or fruits used in the production.

Absinthe is most often a high-alcohol drink, often with a strength of 60-70% ABV. However, there are a few with lower power, even below 20% ABV (Czech). The maximum content of thujone expressed in grams per liter varies from country to country, but most often it cannot exceed the value of 35 g per liter. Additionally, in the Czech Republic, an addition to absinthe in the form of marijuana extract is allowed. This is because marijuana is a legalized plant there.

The first absinthe recipe was developed in the 18th century in Val de Travers in the canton of Neuchatel, Switzerland. Absinthe was then used primarily as medicine. Everything changed at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries thanks to the French artistic bohemia, when absinthe (usually a very low quality one) became their favorite drink. The fashion for absinthe spread throughout Europe, especially since absinthe was repeatedly subjected to some kind of ostracism (in the form of production restrictions or even prohibitions). Regardless of this, absinthe has its many supporters around the world to this day, and it is a bestseller in the countries where it is produced, including in France, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Spain. In Poland, both absinthe and its native counterpart - piolunowka are made.

In our portfolio you will find excellent absinthe in various colors and strengths from several European countries (including Poland). We invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer!

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