
Home / Portfolio / Koskenkorva

The Koskenkorva distillery was founded in the year 1953 and has been distilling vodka of the same name since then. The production plant is located in the small village of Koskenkorva in the South Ostrobothnia region of Finland.

The distillery operates in a modern, closed circuit and apart from distilling the spirit from barley (or - to a lesser extent - from rye), it also produces starch and raw material for animal food. In addition, the plant collects carbon dioxide and reuses it as an energy source, and uses barley husks as fuel, which reduces energy consumption by 60%. The distillation in Koskenkorva takes place in five distillation columns. The next four columns increase the primary distillation up to 99%. As a result, pure and flavored vodkas or strong, flavored liqueurs are made.

Koskenkorva belongs to the state-owned Altia corporation. An interesting fact is that the same plant, despite different owners, is also used by the vodka producer Finlandia

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